Protect the things you care about
My Earnings Protected is individual income protection that allows you to insure part of your earnings. If you are unable to work because of illness or injury and as a result, your earnings go down or stop, you will be able to claim benefit to help you meet your essential costs.
• Pays a benefit if insured is unable to work due to illness or following an accident
• No sports or motorcycle exclusions (subject to accident history and earnings)
Answers to your questions
Up to 65% of your earnings can be insured and because the benefit you receive is tax-free, it equals a higher proportion of your take-home pay.
My Earnings Protected will give you, and those who rely on you, peace of mind when you need it whether you are employed or self-employed.
Cirencester Income Protection is available to UK residents who are working and are aged between18-55.
There are no sports or motorcycle exclusions on this policy so it is a great choice for anyone who takes part in sport including competition and timed events*.
*(subject to accident history and earnings).
There are very few occupation exclusions on this policy so it is a great choice for those working at height, with livestock or in dangerous environments.
*(subject to accident history and earnings)
This policy is medically underwritten and we will take a detailed medical questionnaire from you when you make your initial application. On some occasions, Cirencester may require you to have a Medical Tele-Interview, you will be advised if this may be the case and a suitable time will be arranged with you to carry out the interview.